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The American Institute in Taiwan's Public Diplomacy Section is pleased to invite applications for the Summer 2018 Study of the United States Institutes. This program is designed for mid-career university faculty and other scholars who are interested in furthering their study of the United States on such topics as American politics and political thought, contemporary American literature, religious pluralism, U.S. culture and society, U.S. foreign policy, etc. It will last six weeks starting from late June or early July, 2018. All applicants should have an advanced command of English and be comfortable with campus life (including campus-style accommodations.) Detailed program summary and an application form can be viewed at https://www.ait.org.tw/susi-summer-2018/. The application deadline is Jan 21, 2018.
Website: https://www.ait.org.tw/susi-summer-2018/
Contact: (02) 2723-3959#217、application@mail.ait.org.tw (link sends e-mail)