*Airport Pick-up
Due to COVID-19, we will update the airport pick up schedule on IEE website. [VISA NOTICE FOR INTERNATIONAL FRESHMAN STUDENTS IN FALL SEMESTER, 2021]
Please fill in your dorm and airport pick up request on the online application from by August 2.< http://apply.mcu.edu.tw/student/signin >
(For airport pick-up date, please tick September 5 and confirm your flight schedule after you get a Taiwan visa.)
09:00-14:00, September 7 (Tuesday), 2021
-Taipei: Large Conference Room 402, E building
-Taoyuan: Room 102, P Building
*Class Begin
September 22 (Wednesday), 2021
-2021-2022 Freshman Brochure ← Read it.
-Authorization for Emergency Medical Treatment
-Items Required for Health Certificate (Form B)